Sunday, September 20, 2015

Personal Introduction

My name is Keisha Harris; I'm a second bachelor degree student enrolled in Eastern Michigan University's Aviation Flight Technology program.  This is my second year in the program and I should be graduating some time this year. I will have all of my classes completed by this spring but my official graduation date depends on how fast I can finish all of my flight courses.  I am currently working on my private pilot certification with the hope of finishing up in the next few months. 
I have always had an interest in aviation. As a child I was fascinated by the whole idea of flight and how the airplane stays airborne.  I remember that I wanted to attend Davis Aerospace Technical High School but was too afraid to tell my parents I wanted to go there. Once I became a flight attendant and I think this is what gave me to the courage to pursue this career.
My future plans are to become an airline pilot.  Initially I would like to flight instruct to build up my hours.   Then I would like to fly for a corporate company.  Then eventually would love to fly for Delta.

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